Stop Worrying About Money

Money Worries

Money Worries

Worrying about money takes away our happiness. It does not matter if you have a job or you are a senior running out of money this worry can detract from your daily happiness. Let us discuss how to stop worrying about money.

Keep Working

Woman Working
Keep Working

It has been said that there is a large percentage of the working population is dissatisfied with their jobs. If you find your self in this situation the key here is to persevere until you can safely leave. Leaving may mean a different job or as we are going to discuss the ability to work from home and live life on your terms.

Contribute to a Retirement Program

Piggy Bank

While you are still working its necessary to participate in the company retirement program. Always contribute the maximum you can. Some companies will match your contribution. If there is no plan available it would be wise to contribute to a self-directed retirement plan. The earlier a person starts contributing the result will be that you will not have to play catch-up if you start saving late in life.

Debt Reduction

Credit Card
Debt Reduction

Debt reduction is a key to financial empowerment. Being a slave to debt leaves you unable to live life to the fullest. Getting rid of credit card debt is the place to start. Most banks will have a consolidation loan program allowing you to rid your self of the high-interest rates of the credit card companies. From that point focus on paying your credit card bill off every month.

The next point is to live within your means. Wanting every shiny object you see is the road to debt. Fad following is a trap to avoid. The new cell phone that just came out might not be a necessity. Simple methods of reducing your spending could be as easy as packing your own lunch. It is easy to nickel and dime your self into debt. To see where your money goes try recording every cent you spend for a couple of months. This will show you where your money goes. It will be an interesting revelation.

The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee

98 Cents a Day

The price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks varies from $2.95 to $4.15. Coffee at Tim Hortons costs from $1.59 to $1.99. What would you think if I told you could build your own business for .98 cents a day USD.

Your Own Business


For .98 cents USD a day you can build a business that could become your full-time job. The business I am going to present to you is Affiliate Marketing through Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform that will teach you how to build an internet business. The goal here is that you can work at your own pace and from anywhere there is a computer. The next goal here is to build a business that will allow you to live life at your own pace. While the necessity to dedicate your self to this program the rewards will let you leave your current job and be your own boss. Two million-plus active global students can not be wrong.

Affiliate Marketing Definition

Wealthy Affiliate
The Process

For this discussion affiliate marketing is where you pick a niche, market, hobby or anything that interests you and then build a website. Through the training, you are taught how to monetize it and produce an income. An affiliate is someone who acts as an intermediary between business and people who are willing to purchase your product. The products and services are endless. There are about 4 billion people on the internet and you are taught how to sell to this population.

Why Do This

Business Closing

Please copy and paste the above web address into your browser or click on the picture to the right to read this informative article.

The accompanying news article illustrates the necessity to prepare for the moment when your source of income suddenly disappears. The 16 business expected to close in Canada will put hundreds of people on the unemployment list. If you are working a lower-paying job as a sole source income affiliate marketing can be your road to being self-employed.

Imagine if you could build a business that could bring in as much money as a brick and mortar store with no staff, inventory or infrastructure other than a computer and an internet connection. This means you can work from anywhere at your own pace.

The Catch

The catch to this business is that money will not pour out of your computer just because you have built a website. This enterprise requires commitment and dedication. A business plan of 3 to 5 years is necessary before a person can quit working for anyone. It certainly can be done and Wealthy Affiliate has two million global students selling to a 4 million internet audience.

Everyone should do their due diligence when starting a business. That is just smart before throwing out money to start a business.

Here are some points that should be considered.

Value For Dollar

Wealthy Affiliate is an incredible value for the dollar. A premium membership costs USD 359.00 for complete training and hosting environment. 24/7 tech support and a whole catalogue of training material. Follow this link to my page Wealthy Affiliate – The Key To Your Financial Freedom for more information.

No Upsells

This means there is nothing else to purchase to continue your training. There is no next level to purchase or ladders to climb in order to further your training. There are some incidental purchases required such as domains that are available through WealthyAffiliate, Premium website themes if you wish or some upgrade to your SEO tools. Wealthy Affiliate uses the Jaaxy SEO research tool and the supplied version is very adequate. These purchases are small and just part of doing business.

Your Job

Make money online

What your responsibility will be is to pick a niche market and then build a website. Next, it is necessary to attract traffic to your website. It will be necessary to write content(blog) regularly to promote your market. Regardless of your niche you will write content and become an authority in your field. You will be surprised how easy it is to write content when you are doing something you enjoy and promoting your business. Your success will be reflected in your dedication.

What you do not have to do is organize meetings, product parties or turn all your friends and family into potential customers. You will probably want to tell everyone what you are doing but you don, t have to sell to them. It will be no different if you had a storefront business.

The Boss

Imagine if the only supervisor you talk to is the guy you see in the mirror. No more commuting. Your own deadlines and schedules.

This business is perfect for the high school student, stay at home parent or senior citizen.  Do not worry if you feel you are not a computer wizard as the training and help available will assist a student with any problem that occurs.

In Closing

It is not necessary to quit enjoying life to be successful in affiliate marketing however, it may be necessary to sacrifice some desirable things until your business is established.

It is better to work hard for three to five years than to spend a lifetime being broke or in a job you do not enjoy.
Click the banner below to get started on your road to financial empowerment.


In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site: Any/all the links are affiliate links of which I receive a small compensation from sales of certain items. Please click this link for the full Affiliate Disclosure


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