Steps To Becoming Wealthy

Fork in the road

The Power Of The Wealthy Citizen

Through every ones life there comes a time when you come to a cross road. The cross roads appears all through our lives. Decisions need to be made and be they right or wrong we have to live with them. Some of these cross road issues are hard because we do not posses the necessary information to make good decisions.

Our educational systems and some people of influence leave us with only enough knowledge to be good tax payers. At the cross roads the decisions are made.

The questions could be, I don’t like my job or should I move away. It could be I need more money, how do I get it. I am retiring soon and I can’t afford it. If only we had the power to change things.

That is the purpose of this website is to bring to you The Power of the Wealthy Citizen. This power is knowledge.

The power you can acquire here is that you can start your own business and run your own life. I think everyone wants to be financially independent. That independence gives you the power provide, help and live a lifestyle at your pace and be limited by your own imagination.

If you need a change here are some steps to get started.

Develop A Plan

Wealthy Affiliate

Find a way to educate yourself ( I have the answer for that. It’s Wealthy Affiliate ). Get started on the education and implement the training. Don’t quit your job until you are ready to lose your paycheck.

Don’t Overspend

Don’t overspend beyond your means. Buy what you can afford and try to stay away from credit. If your credit cards are maxed out go to a bank and get a consolidation loan and get away from high interest rates. I remember reading some financial advice stating that a person does not have to buy the best groceries. That’s bad advice. Eat healthy and exercise and you will be in better shape to complete your plan.

Put What Money You Have To Work

If you can save 15% of your paycheck. Do not miss out by not contributing to a company retirement fund. If necessary find a financial adviser to help you invest and save. Choose your adviser carefully and make sure you get value for your fees. If you have your own business a good accountant will save you stress at Tax Time and give you tips on tax saving advice.

Start Your Own Business

 This is the key to your financial independence. While we are all busy with life an option to getting a business started is to have an at home business. The answer to this is Wealthy Affiliate. Affiliate marketing and its spin-offs could give you the opportunity to live life on your own terms.

The education available at Wealthy Affiliate will give you business opportunities limited only by your imagination. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to conduct an online business as an affiliate marketer. Do you want to promote someones goods by being an affiliate, do you have your own product or service to sell? It its even possible to build websites for customers and put your skills to work supporting clients. The best part of this is it can be done from the comfort from your own home and at your own convenience. Imagine your office looking like this and doing as much business as a brick and mortar store.

Office desk

Financial empowerment allows you to make decisions in many ways. Developing a lifestyle that appeals to you plus the ability to be an influence in your community is something that likely won’t happen as you are employed by someone else. Politicians listen to rich people. Rich people can be powerful positive voices in the world.

Wealthy Affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Building a business takes time and effort. A university education take years to complete and leaves you with enormous debt. Then you can go and find a job. Building a career takes decades and then you can retire on your pension plan which may not be adequate.

If you have read this far its time to give Wealthy Affiliate a try starting with the Seven-Day Free Trial. If at this time you are still unsure take advantage of this BONUS. The first month of Premium Membership can be had for $19.00. This allows you to participate in full membership privileges for one month. The following months are $47.00/ month. The best deal is a full year subscription for $359.00 a year or 98 cents a day. There is nothing else to buy except some incidentals relevant to the business such as website Domains or premium website themes. There are no Up Sells.


I am sure you will find that the training and the Wealthy Affiliate community educational and exciting. For more information follow this link to Wealthy Affiliate – The Key To Your Financial Freedom.

Thank You for reading the Wealthy Citizen. If you have any questions or would like a topic discussed please leave a comment below.



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