Tired of Living PayCheck to Paycheck

Balance the Budget

Statistically speaking there is a significant number of people in the workforce today living from paycheck to paycheck. Even people with big incomes find themselves in this position. Coming to the end of the paycheck before the end of the month is not fun and when emergencies pop up it can be devastating.

Relief from the stress of living paycheck to paycheck is possible with some planning and effort. In my post Personal Debt Reduction I listed some ways to live within your means and give yourself the step up to rid yourself of debt and get on the road to Financial Empowerment.

Start Your Own Business

Wealthy AffiliateWhen a person has their finances under control and you still have a paycheck this is the time to start a business. The business I am going to promote is affiliate marketing through Wealthy Affiliate.

This business is perfect for someone who needs to be at home with the possibilities to produce as much income as your current job or more. Affiliate Marketing is a relationship between you and a company or an Affiliate Marketing Platform. You sell their products with a website you create and in turn earn commissions.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training environment that provides everyone who enrolls with the tools necessary to succeed in an online web based business. The Wealthy Affiliate University is a one stop shop with everything you need under one banner. A person does not have to go anywhere else to complete their business.

JaaxyWealthy Affiliate is within every ones financial reach. The yearly tuition is $359.00/year. This is less than a dollar a day for world-class education. The Seven-Day Free Trial allows you to see what is involved. If you are not convinced then the first month of premium membership is $19.00. There is nothing else to buy in order to complete the course. Follow this link to my Key To Financial Freedom page for more information. There will be some incidental purchases such as Domains. After you have complete your two free websites under the SiteRubix domain you will probably want to purchase a . Com,. Net or. Org domain. These are generally around $15.00/year. The school provided Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool called Jaaxy tool has two subscription services available to students.

After enrollment, you will notice that there will be no Upsells required to complete the course. Be careful as you do your due diligence and watch for this easy to over look point. Some companies will make big promises so you purchase their very expensive add on products.

What Is Required Of You

When a person enrolls at Wealthy Affiliate your personal responsibility will be to follow the lessons in the order they are given. It can be done at your own pace and convenience. There is no Easy Button. The desired result is to have a money making website and that is not done without your own effort and input. All business need to be grown and it is no different with this enterprise.

Desk top

The difference with an online marketing and a brick and mortar business is that there is no necessity for a building, a large inventory or staff. You will be working from you home and be able to look after your home life without having to consider a second out of the house job. Imagine having a business from your home computer and your wife not having to take on a job to make ends meet.

What You Don’t Have To Do

Enrollment at Wealthy Affiliate University means that you to DO NOT have to –

Hard sell to your friends or family

Organize meeting to promote membership or products.

Spend your days on the phone making cold calls to strangers.

Your market is the 4 billion daily internet users that are in the need for your product or advice. After your website is up and running your daily task will be producing useful and informative content that inspires and motivates people to support your business.

The business of marketing is covered in the Certifcation Course consisting 50 lessons devoted to making your website a success.

Another aspect and benefit of enrollment is that you are not alone in the training. Every student has direct access to the schools founders plus a 24/7 ability to network with any of the global students for opinions and advice. Some students are very experienced in the affiliate marketing trade and are willing to share their professional advice. There is also a 24/7 Site Support to assist with all your IT or web based technical issues.

Wealthy Affiliate education has set people on other paths too. For instance some have done Local SEO where they produce and maintain websites for others and help local businesses improve their presence on the internet. There is the possibility to promote your own product or service.

Are You Tired OF Living Paycheck to Paycheck

When you have set yourself on the road to Financial Empowerment through effective debt reduction the next step to get out of the paycheck to paycheck rut is to start your own business. There is no better opportunity right now than to give Wealthy Affiliate a try. Last year Wealthy Affiliate helped over 200,000 students get their start in affiliate marketing and have been in business since 2005. Remember Financial Empowerment means living life on your own terms at your own pace and convenience.

I would rather work sixteen hours a day for my self than work eight hours a day for someone else.

Click on the banner below to get your Seven Day Free Trial started.


If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment below. As a Wealthy Affiliate student I am committed to helping you succeed in the business of Affiliate Marketing.



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