What Do You Want To Do With Your Life

The Thinker

The question of What do you want to do with your LIFE is a topic that comes into every ones mind occasionally. It is a good question and should be reviewed as we get older. Everyone’s priorities evolve as we gain more life experience. I hope this story gives someone a different view on life and provides some options that were not obvious before.

This Is A True Story

Play StationI know this young man personally. This story could fit anyone, but I am going to focus on this person. This young man is single, smart and capable. He is very computer-literate and excelled in computer training at school. He can build computers as well as diagnose and fix complicated IT problems. This well-behaved young man successfully completed trade school, however could not find employment in his chosen field.

He is currently employed in a barely above minimum wage job. His employers like him and are trying to find a way to keep him from leaving. His potential exceeds what he is doing. Spare time is spent socializing and taking part in air soft activities.

My Observations

Affiliate- MarketerThis young man spends hour upon hour online gaming. While there is nothing wrong with that, plus he is really good at it as he is with most things, there is no income in it.

This individual has FREE and COMPLETE access to Wealthy Affiliate and with all his skills and knowledge will not or is not motivated to find a NICHE market in his arena of interests and make passive income. He is young enough to overcome the hurdles of Affiliate Marketing without pressure.

If you are going to sit in a chair for hours using a computer anyway, why not try to make a living at it.

What To Do

Regardless of your age if you work hard for a few years building a business then you can spend the rest of your life doing what you want. I don’t think we have to live and accept a job that delivers low satisfaction for forty years so we can retire to a poor pension. It is easy when you are young with a little of money just to enjoy life. When life gives you more responsibilities and it surprises you, it is hard to catch up.

The Answer

Wealthy Affiliate

The answer is Wealthy Affiliate. I have not found anything yet that for the 98 cents a day it costs to participate that can give you the opportunities that Wealthy Affiliate provides you. Wealthy Affiliate is a complete training platform plus academic community that provides all the training and information you need to become successful at Affiliate Marketing.

What does it cost to online game. Buying games, plus the hardware, headsets, good chairs? It is easily less than the cost of learning how to do Affiliate Marketing. I personally have nothing against gaming. This example is a cost comparison and the what it would cost you to start a business, a business that could produce revenue that would more than a person could make as an employee.

The Boss

It is necessary to seize the day and take charge of your own life. Our educational system does not prepare us to be self-sufficient entrepreneurs. We are taught to complete high school, then proceed to some post secondary education while racking up thousands of dollars of debt in student loans.

Try it Out

The starting point for this course is the Seven-Day-Free Trial. In this trial session you will get to build two free websites and get your feet wet in affiliate marketing. Following this there is the decision to go for the premium membership. There is a one-month Premium Membership available for $19.00 so you can further explore this business. Subsequent months are $47.00/month, however the best price is the $359.00/year or 98 cents a day for world-class training. I would recommend that you follow this link to my “The Key To Your Financial Freedom “page for more complete information.

The Training

Wealthy Affiliate

The training process has a four step process with step by step instruction for you to begin building your own business. The carefully prepared lesson plans need to be followed in order for you to succeed. It is not necessary to have any previous experience in order to participate. You need a computer and the desire to succeed.

It is necessary for you remember that you are building your own business. This takes time and there is not a quick rich button available here. Course members have build very successful web based businesses and you can too.

I have stated this in other posts that you are not alone. Wealthy Affiliate is a community as much as it is a training platform. There are currently 1,400,000 student from 193 countries that you can talk to and ask questions.

Membership consists of everyone and anyone from high school students to retired professionals. There are working folks that are trying to supplement their income to retired people boosting their pensions.

In Closing

I tell the young man in my story that you can plan your days or you can have someone plan them for you. It is crazy that someone will tell you that 2 – 5 years in business is a long time to get rich, but they don’t feel that 40 years at a job is a long time to stay broke. Financial Empowerment is the ability to live how you want, when you want and be able to make decisions that can benefit everyone.

Click on the banner below to get started. It won’t cost you anything. There will be no pressure and there are no Upsells. You deserve financial freedom.


That’s my story for today. Please comment or ask a question below. Have a wonderful day.


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