There Is No Plan B

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Affiliate Marketing is a task that must be approached with a serious dedication.   The actual reality is that it is NOT impossible. Considering entering into the business of affiliate marketing  must be with your full attention. There can be no Plan “B”. As a reminder Affiliate Marketing is where a person creates and then promotes a company’s product or service for commissions. It is also possible to promote your own products or services.

Plan “B”

Plan BWhen there is a plan “B” you are not totally focused on Plan “A”. The affiliate marketing business requires a dedication that is equal to any other career. The difference being is that you are your own boss.

You Are The Boss

Be A BossYou are the boss means you set the pace, the time schedule, how long you work, when you work. The responsibility for success rests on your shoulders. The effort you put into your project will decide if your affiliate marketing business will turn into the dream you want. It is necessary to not think like an employee.

The road to financial empowerment is a tough road at times, but it is better to work hard for a few years than to work a lifetime at an uninspiring job. Financial empowerment allows you to make better and bigger decisions than the working guy. People listen to a rich person. Thinking like a boss, working like a boss and having the discipline of a boss will set you on a path of success.

If you want to be a boss and work your own hours remember there is no plan “B”.

The Solution

Wealthy AffiliateThe solution to this issue of keeping plan A in effect is to first get training. The second is to define a goal for achievement. The third part of this is the application of the previous two items. Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme so there must be a plan in place to pace your self until your business is generating income. While it may seem daunting, if you really want financial freedom and empowerment you must dedicate yourself to the task. The balance of family, jobs, school or what ever eats up your day must be achieved.

The Training

Wealthy Affiliate


The best place to start is with Wealthy Affiliate. This a cost effective solution with many benefits. This .98 cent a day in USD training platform is a well laid out effective training solution. Wealthy Affiliate is a campus, a community and a training platform with a global student enrollment. Please follow this link to the Wealthy Affiliate website for enrollment information.


A series of goals is necessary in order to stay on track. Daily routines, financial objectives and an overall plan as to when you want to quit your job and be independent should be considered.

Required Skills And Equipment

The training cost from Wealthy Affiliate is generally within every ones reach. A computer is a must as well as an internet service. A person does not need to be a computer genius to start this business. Rudimentary skills will get you going and then the training and community will help with what ever IT issues you might have. It should be noted that Wealthy Affiliate has a 24/7 Site Support to help you as well. These people are fast and really good at what they do.


The necessity of doing the required work can not be understated. If you don’t apply your self and the training it will be impossible to expect results. As an educational platform the training is well presented. It takes time to do the lessons and then create your internet business. At first, it appears overwhelming, but with exposure and study the work becomes manageable. One obstacle to overcome is that you will ask when is the money going to start pouring in or why is my traffic so slow in building. This is where the perseverance and dedication to your business will come into play.

Your first website might not be your money maker and finding your niche and putting together a great website might take some time. Luckily Wealthy Affiliate has a broad global community to help with these decisions. There are some true internet professionals enrolled at Wealthy Affiliate and they provide great advice. If you really want to do this you must apply yourself.

In Closing

Wealthy Affiliate is a tremendous training platform. What you see is what you get. There are no upsells and the yearly tuition is very affordable. Please follow this link to my Wealthy Affiliate- The Key To Your Financial Freedom page for more information. Give the 7 day Free Trial a try to see what the possibilities are. I am going to leave you with this video from our favorite Terminator.

That’s my story for today. Please leave a comment at the bottom and tell me what you think or just ask a question.


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